Print Direction - Business Cards, Belrose

Print Direction Pty Ltd respects the privacy of individuals and is committed to protecting personal information that individuals provide. Print Direction Pty Ltd is further committed to complying with the obligations of the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act). This document sets out when and how Print Direction Pty Ltd will collect, hold, use and disclose an individual’s personal information, as well as how an individual may contact Print Direction Pty Ltd in relation to their personal information or in order to make a complaint about a breach of privacy.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

1.1       Personal information is defined by the Act as information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. Examples of personal information might include an individuals name, address, phone number, email address or any other information from which an individual could reasonably be identified.

1.2 Print Direction Pty Ltd generally only collects limited personal information. Examples of personal information which Print Direction Pty Ltd regularly collects include an individual’s:

  • name;
  • address;
  • workplace;
  • email address; and
  • any personal information contained in materials provided by a customer for the purposes of us printing and providing back to the customer in the ordinary course of our business.

Collection of Personal Information

2.1       Print Direction Pty Ltd will generally only collect personal information which relates to the provision of its goods to its customers.

2.2       Wherever reasonable and practicable WTTB will collect personal information from the individual to whom it relates.

2.3       While an individual may choose not to provide personal information to Print Direction Pty Ltd , failure to do so may hamper the provision of services. In some case failure to provide personal information may result in Print Direction Pty Ltd being incapable of providing services to a particular individual at all.

3.         Use and Disclosure of Personal information.

3.1       Print Direction Pty Ltd uses personal information for the purpose of, or in relation to, providing printing services to its customers. Examples of uses may include, but are not limited to:

  • corresponding with an individual regarding goods and services being provided, including regarding the individual’s satisfaction with the services;
  • tailoring Print Direction Pty Ltd services to an individual’s needs.

3.2       Print Direction Pty Ltd may also use or disclose personal information in the following circumstances:

(a)    where an individual has given consent;

(b)   where required in order to provide an individual with the services and/or products they requested; or

(c)    where use or disclosure is required or authorised by law.

3.3       Print Direction Pty Ltd will never require an individual to provide sensitive information, though such may come into Print Direction Pty Ltd possession, if such is included in materials provided to Print Direction Pty Ltd to be printed. Any such information will solely be used for providing goods and services to the customer who provided the information.

3.4       Print Direction Pty Ltd will not provide personal information to third parties. The only circumstances where it will do so is to protect Print Direction Pty Ltd rights, where it is required in order to provide goods and services ordered by its customers, or where such disclosure is required by law.

3.3       Print Direction Pty Ltd does not currently, nor does it currently have plans in the future, to disclose personal information to any overseas recipient, though its websites and data storage facilities may be hosted overseas from time to time.

4.         Direct Marketing

4.1       Print Direction Pty Ltd does not sell, trade or transfer personal information to third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

4.2       Print Direction Pty Ltd may from time to time use personal information to notify individuals of changes to services provided to that individual, or to bring to that individual’s attention new or additional services which may be beneficial to them. All such communications will include an option for the recipient to opt out of receiving any future direct marketing.

5.         Security.

5.1       Print Direction Pty Ltd is concerned with the security of your Personal information and is committed to taking reasonable steps to protect it from unauthorized access and use. To that end, Print Direction Pty Ltd has put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial policies and procedures to secure personal information. These policies and procedures include, but are not limited to:

  • storing any electronic information on password protected and secure servers;
  • ensuring any physical copies of personal information are kept in a secure area which is not open to unauthorised access;
  • requiring Print Direction Pty Ltd employees to enter into confidentiality agreements requiring they ensure the security of personal information; and
  • ensuring that any access to personal information by Print Direction Pty Ltd employees is limited to those employees with a need to know that information for the provision of services to the relevant individual;

5.2       Personal information may be retained for 7 years or such other period as required by taxation or other laws.

6.         Accuracy of Personal Information

            Print Direction Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that all personal information held is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

7.         Access to and Correction of Personal information

7.1       Individuals have a right to know what of their personal information Print Direction Pty Ltd holds. Individuals may request this by contacting Print Direction Pty Ltd by the following methods:

Phone: +61 0414 264 064

mail addressed to:
Print Direction Pty Ltd
Unit 5/7 Narabang Wa
Belrose, NSW 2085

7.2       When requesting access or correction of personal information Print Direction Pty Ltd will require an individual to verify their identity by reference to their personal information. Print Direction Pty Ltd will attempt to respond to a request for access to personal information in a timely manner.

7.4       When a request for information is received, Print Direction Pty Ltd will endeavour to provide an accurate estimate of the time it may take to comply with the request, however, compliance with this timeframe is not guaranteed.

7.6       While Print Direction Pty Ltd will generally comply with an individual’s request for access to personal information about them, Print Direction Pty Ltd does have the right under the APP to refuse access in certain circumstances. In the event that access is refused Print Direction Pty Ltd will, where reasonable, provide reasons for the refusal, along with alternative methods which may allow access.

7.7       In addition to requesting access to personal information individuals may request that Print Direction Pty Ltd correct any personal information held about the individual. Once the individual’s identity has been verified Print Direction Pty Ltd will take reasonable steps to correct their personal information.

8.         Anonymity and Pseudonymity

Where possible Print Direction Pty Ltd will allow individuals to deal with it on an anonymous basis, or by means of a pseudonym.

9.         Complaints

9.1       If an individual wishes to make a complaint about Print Direction Pty Ltd collection, use or disclosure of any personal information, or about any potential breach of an APP, the individual may contact the Privacy Officer by use of the contact details at the end of this document.

9.2       When making a complaint an individual should include as many details as possible, including the nature of the personal information concerned, how it is believed to have been misused, which APP is believed to have been breached (if relevant), the details of any Print Direction Pty Ltd employee or representative involved and any other information which may be relevant. We may request additional information to investigate the complaint and take reparatory action as necessary.

9.3       Once a complaint is received the Privacy Officer will investigate the circumstances of the complaint and determine whether a misuse of personal information has occurred and if so how it may be rectified and whether/what action should be taken in relation to any Print Direction Pty Ltd employee or representative involved. Print Direction Pty Ltd will endeavour to keep the individual informed regarding the process of their complaint and any action taken.

9.4       Should an individual not be satisfied with Print Direction Pty Ltd handling of their complaint then Print Direction Pty Ltd will generally agree to the complaint being referred to mediation and/or arbitration. Should the matter remain unresolved then an individual is entitled to refer their matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.  

10.       General.

10.1     If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact Print Direction Pty Ltd by the following methods:

Phone:  +61 0414 264 064

mail addressed to:
Print Direction Pty Ltd
Unit 5/7 Narabang Wa
Belrose, NSW 2085
